We are professionals who specialize in helping individuals or businesses navigate the process of filing and managing insurance claims. We provide expert advice, assess damages, and facilitate communication between the policyholder and the insurance company.

You may consider engaging us when you need assistance in understanding your insurance policy, documenting and presenting your claim, negotiating with the insurance company, or if you’re facing challenges in the claims process.

We typically charge a fee based on a percentage of the Gross Loss assessed by the surveyor however the same is subject to positive admissibility of the claim. There is an initial signing amount.

We provide expert intervention across all lines of general as well as life insurance claims. We can be engaged at all stages of a claim journey. However, our intervention has the best results when availed at an early stage.

To assist us in evaluating your claim, provide all relevant documents, such as your insurance policy, incident reports, photos, and any communication with the insurance company. Detailed information will help us build a strong case.

While we can significantly improve the chances of a successful claim, there are no guarantees. The outcome also depends on the specifics of your policy, the nature of the claim, and the cooperation of the insurance company.

The duration varies based on the complexity of the claim and the responsiveness of the insurance company. We can help expedite the process by ensuring all necessary information is provided promptly.

Yes, you can hire us at any stage of the claims process. We can review your case, identify any issues, and provide assistance in moving forward, even if a claim has already been filed.

We are not registered under IRDA and we are not regulated by IRDA

Yes, we specialize in assisting with denied claims. We can review the denial reasons, gather additional evidence, and negotiate with the insurance company to reverse the decision.

While we handle the entire process, we shall require your input at key stages. Communication preferences should be discussed and agreed upon upfront.

It’s advisable to engage us as soon as possible after an incident to ensure timely documentation and submission of the claim. Early involvement can also help in preventing common mistakes that might jeopardize the claim.

Yes, hiring us can enhance the chances of a favorable settlement. Our expertise in insurance policies and claims processes allows us to build a strong case and negotiate effectively on your behalf.

Yes, engaging us can provide an extra layer of protection. Insurance company claim manager work for the insurer, while we work for you, ensuring your interests are thoroughly represented.

Yes, we can help in cases where the insurance company offers a settlement that is deemed insufficient. We can negotiate with the insurer to ensure a fair and accurate valuation of damages.

Claim advisor focus on managing the insurance claims process, providing expertise in policy interpretation, documentation, and negotiation. Lawyers, on the other hand, specialize in legal matters and may become involved if a claim escalates to a legal dispute.

Engaging us should not negatively impact your relationship with your insurance agent or broker. We and insurance professionals often collaborate to ensure the best outcome for the policyholder.

We work alongside legal professionals to provide necessary documentation and information. We help bridge the gap between legal and claims aspects, ensuring a comprehensive strategy.